The surplus and emptiness of the profound meaning of the Book of Changes!

The surplus and emptiness of the profound meaning of the Book of Changes!

All things cannot be good, not bad! Under this philosophical premise, we are constantly transforming, flowing, and forming gains and losses when facing anything. Void leads to acceptance, surplus leads to overflow. In ancient China, it was often mentioned that humility lies at the core. Without humility, humility is meaningless.

Humility is the surface, emptiness is the foundation. Only by recognizing one’s own shortcomings and still being able to accept new knowledge and content, can one continuously become stronger.

If you are full, you will be full, and if you are full, you will overflow. You feel good and don’t know the direction of progress, which is the beginning of the downhill road. The development laws of life and things are like this.

So The surplus and emptiness of natural law is the state of seeing the laws of all things disappear and grow! As the spirit of all things, it is even more important to understand the balance between the ups and downs, and to correct one’s own way of doing things and attitude, in order to achieve a harmonious and beautiful state!

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