The ideological essence of the Book of Changes is as follows

The ideological essence of the Book of Changes is as follows

  1. Yin Yang view. All things in the world are composed of two opposing yet interdependent and transforming forces, yin and yang.
  2. The concept of harmony. Encourage people to courageously pursue internal and external harmony, only in a harmonious state can balance and sustainable development be achieved.
  3. The concept of change. Change is the norm in the universe, and by observing the changes in hexagrams, one can understand the laws of change in nature, social life, and individual behavior.
  4. Perseverance and endurance. Remind people not to be complacent when facing difficulties, to maintain perseverance and endurance. Only through persistent efforts and continuous progress can we reach the other side of success.
  5. Move forward courageously. Encourage people to be fearless of hardships, firm in their beliefs, and move forward courageously, pursuing excellence and success.

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