The four words in the Book of Changes reveal the truth of life’s success

The four words in the Book of Changes reveal the truth of life’s success

The Book of Changes, as the head of the group of classics, naturally contains countless philosophical concepts, which have had an extremely profound impact on various fields such as politics, economy, and culture in China for thousands of years.

The four words in the Book of Changes reveal the truth of life’s success, namely Yuan, Heng, Li, and Zhen.

Yuan represents the best beginning. The saying goes, “Starting from the beginning, all things are reborn.” So what is the best start? The Book of Changes tells us, “The element is the growth of goodness.” This sentence tells us that the direction of growth towards goodness is the good start, and if it is the beginning of growth towards evil, it is not right.

Heng: Wanshi Hengtong. The word “heng” refers to development, and the Book of Changes tells us that we should base ourselves on the principles of “heng” and “jia hui”. “Jia” means beautiful virtue. To achieve smooth career development, people must operate with the principle of integrity, establish strict management systems and operating mechanisms, in order to grow rapidly.

Li: It is the principle of utilization. The saying goes, “A gentleman loves wealth and takes it in a proper way.”. In any business, the money earned must comply with the law and not earn money that destroys one’s conscience. This is in line with the principle of access.

Zhen: represents the preservation of things and careers, as well as the new development of things and careers. Chastity refers to not being arrogant and conceited after achieving success in one’s career. One should be wary of a conservative and conservative mindset, and maintain a strong attitude of seeking novelty and change, so as to promote new development in one’s career.

In general, the wisdom left behind by the Book of Changes should be carefully considered, and it will have a lot of impact on life and have a good impact on everything in life. By deeply understanding and grasping these four words, one can also understand life and the way of applying them to the world.

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