The Book of Changes: Stepping on “villains” with clever moves

The Book of Changes: Stepping on “villains” with clever moves

The Elephant Transmission of the Book of Changes – Dun Gua

Dun, a gentleman who is far away from others is not evil.

Have you ever encountered a situation where there are always people around you who like to sow discord and sow discord, making you feel very frustrated and helpless. At this point, you may wonder, how should you deal with these people?

In fact, the Dun Gua in the Book of Changes has already given us the answer. The Elephant Legend of Dun Gua tells us: “Dun, a gentleman is far away from a villain, not evil.” The meaning of this sentence is that when we encounter villains, the best way is to stay away from them, not to conflict with them, and not to speak ill of them.

So, why should we stay away from petty people? Firstly, the behavior of petty people is often driven by their own selfish interests and desires, and they may resort to any means to achieve their goals, even harming the interests of others. If we have conflicts with petty people, we are likely to be attacked and hurt by them.

Secondly, staying away from petty people is also to maintain one’s own character and cultivation. If we argue or speak ill of others, it will not only damage our image and reputation, but also make more people resent and distrust us.

So, how to stay away from petty people? Firstly, we need to maintain a clear mind and a calm mindset, and not be misled by the words of petty people. Secondly, we should learn to maintain distance and indifference, and not have too much contact and communication with petty people. Finally, we need to learn tolerance and tolerance, and not be overly critical and angry about the behavior of petty people.

In short, the Dun Gua in the Book of Changes tells us that the best way to deal with villains is to stay away from them and not conflict or speak ill of them. Only in this way can we maintain our moral character and cultivation, and avoid being hurt and influenced by petty people.

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