The Book of Changes achieves wisdom

The Book of Changes achieves wisdom

Each hexagram has its unique meaning and symbolic significance. For example, the most famous eight hexagrams in the Book of Changes are: Qian (Heaven), Kun (Earth), Li (Fire), Kan (Water), Gen (Mountain), Zhen (Thunder), Xun (Wind), and Kun (Earth). These eight hexagrams are known as the “innate eight hexagrams”, representing the basic elements and powers of nature.

In addition to the innate Eight Trigrams, the Book of Changes also contains many other hexagrams. Each hexagram is composed of three lines, with the upper line representing the sky, the middle line representing people, and the lower line representing the earth. This trinity structure reflects the idea of unity between heaven and man in ancient Chinese philosophy.

The hexagram is not only used to predict the future, but also to guide decision-making. In ancient China, people often used hexagrams to solve problems and make decisions. They will generate a random hexagram by throwing copper coins or dominoes, and then make decisions based on this hexagram.

In addition, in academic and religious fields such as Taoism and Confucianism, hexagrams also play an important role. In Taoism, hexagrams are considered as a bridge between humans and nature, which can help people engage in dialogue with the universe. In Confucianism, the hexagram is regarded as a guide for morality and ethics.

Although modern science has replaced most superstitious and mystical practices, the hexagram, as a unique symbol system of Chinese culture, remains attractive. Many people view it as a philosophical thinking tool to explore the meaning and direction of life.

In short, as an important component of ancient Chinese culture, hexagrams play an important role in fields such as the Book of Changes, Taoism, and Confucianism. It can not only be used to predict the future and guide decision-making, but also help people engage in dialogue with nature and the universe. Although modern science has replaced some of these practices, hexagrams still serve as a unique symbol of Chinese culture, continuing to influence our thinking and behavior.

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