The Book of Changes: A “Navigator” on the Road of Life, Humorous and witty

The Book of Changes: A “Navigator” on the Road of Life, Humorous and witty


One yin and one yang are called the Tao

The successor is also good

The person who achieves it also has a natural disposition

Life is like a “yin-yang show”, sometimes you need to be a “sunny boy”, and sometimes you need to become a “cold goddess”.

Don’t worry, as long as you balance well, you can shine on the stage of life!


Terrain Kun

A gentleman carries wealth with virtue

To be a person, one should have the same tolerance as the earth.

In other words, it is important to learn to embrace all rivers, and to have tolerance is great. Don’t always be petty, otherwise you may become a stingy person!


Proud dragons have regrets, but their gains cannot last long

Don’t be too greedy, otherwise you’ll be like a greedy dragon.

In the end, there will be no regrets! Remember, you can’t chew too much!


To see the dragon in the field, to benefit the Lord

Encountering good opportunities is as rare as seeing a dragon in the field.

So when encountering adults, be sure to seize the opportunity and don’t let them run away! Otherwise, you will regret it for a lifetime!


Using nine

Seeing a group of headless dragons

chew na ne man man nv jia ba ji ma

Don’t always think about being the boss when working in a team, otherwise everyone will feel uncomfortable.

Let’s work together and move forward together!

Remember, unity is strength!


When things reach their limits, they will turn back. When everything is full, it will tilt

Things will develop to a certain extent in the opposite direction.

So, don’t be too complacent, otherwise be careful of “extreme joy brings sorrow”! As the old saying goes, humility makes progress!


A gentleman is harmonious but different

A petty person is not compatible with others

In interpersonal communication, one should learn to respect the opinions of others and not always speak in one voice.

Otherwise, be careful to become a “lonely family”! Remember, harmony but difference is true wisdom!


No matter what, the Marquis

Noble things

We should focus on our own career and not always strive for fame and fortune.

Otherwise, be careful to become a “slave to fame and fortune”! As the old saying goes, career is the most important stage in life!


The Movement of the Opposite Way

The Use of the Way of the Weak

Things always develop in the opposite direction, and weakness often overcomes strength.

So, when facing difficulties, why not try the strategy of “using softness to overcome hardness”! Remember, sometimes take a step back!


Great changes in people and tigers

Unoccupied Fu

Encourage us to have the courage to change and innovate at critical moments, even if there are no obvious signs or evidence, to remain steadfast in our beliefs.

However, don’t forget to maintain a bit of humor while innovating, making life easier and more enjoyable!

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