Some Taoist teachings that make oneself prosperous

Some Taoist teachings that make oneself prosperous

  1. Stay away from free things.
  2. Always advance by 15 minutes.
  3. Do not discuss people who are not present.
  4. I have the strength to overcome any difficulties.
  5. Everything that happens is beneficial to me.
  6. There is nothing better than now.
  7. I allow everything to happen.
  8. It’s not a big problem.
  9. It is precisely because I have the ability to overcome that this test comes.
  10. Failure is feedback, problems are opportunities.
  11. Never say “I don’t have money”.
  12. For problems that can be solved with money, don’t rely on favors.
  13. Do not use words like “absolute” or “affirmative”.
  14. Control your desire to refute, learn to listen and praise.
  15. Shield low energy.
  16. Connect with nature.
  17. Believe in the power of belief.

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