Smart people all know how to keep a mouth full of wealth and wealth

Smart people all know how to keep a mouth full of wealth and wealth

1、 As much as one’s mouth is, so much as one’s life is

In the Book of Changes, it is said that “one’s mouth must be virtuous in order to retain good fortune.” The harshness and harshness of a person’s life make their life much worse, showcasing their strength and excellence everywhere, but little did they know how to make things worse and eventually become the object of everyone’s annoyance.

Blessings are formed by the accumulation of good deeds, and are a combination of causes and conditions. Only by saying kind words, soft words, and words full of love can one accumulate good virtues.

2、 Blame the heavens and blame the people, but good news leaks quickly

The Book of Changes states: “Scars are easy to disappear, and bad language is hard to dispel.” People who often complain are selfish and self interested, because they have not been respected, their interests have not been taken care of, and their emotions have not been well comforted. Therefore, they turn their pain into complaints and complaints to vent.

A person can’t even say kind words, so naturally they can’t talk about good karma and happiness.

3、 Speak kind words with your mouth, and have a kind heart with your heart

People must speak well and have a good heart, so that they will receive good rewards. Words speak from the heart, and what you often say is also a prophecy of your life. Less bad language and less lip service, because what you say will ultimately repay you. This is not superstition, but the law of attraction. Once you understand these, you will naturally have good thoughts and speak kind words.

Smart people all know how to keep a mouth full of wealth and wealth.

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