Reciting these three sentences from the Book of Changes silently in times of adversity

Reciting these three sentences from the Book of Changes silently in times of adversity

1、 When the time stops, it stops; when the time goes, it goes; Movement and stillness never lose their time, their path is bright.

This sentence comes from the “Gen Gua” in the Book of Changes, which means to stop when it is time to stop and take action when it is time to do so; Whether it is stillness or action, we must adapt to the timing, so that the road will be bright.

It emphasizes the importance of adapting to the current situation and seizing opportunities, warning us to be flexible in responding to changes in life, and not to be stubborn or blindly take action.

When things don’t go smoothly, just silently recite this sentence, it makes you temporarily stop, don’t consume yourself too much, gather energy, and then find the right time to go out, so that you can walk more steadily. After you stop and sort out the root causes of the problem, look for opportunities to solve them one by one, and your future will naturally be bright.

2、 There is no plain, no pond, and no return. Be chaste and blameless, do not sympathize with their blessings, and enjoy good food.

This sentence comes from the Tai hexagram in the Book of Changes, meaning that there is no absolute flatness, nor is there something that only goes without returning. Even in difficult and difficult environments, as long as one adheres to the right path, there will be no disasters, and there is no need to worry about not being trusted by others.

Despite facing numerous difficulties, as long as we are honest and upright, our colleagues and friends around us will still support us.

When encountering difficulties and setbacks, and feeling lost ahead, as long as one firmly adheres to their beliefs and principles, they will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties. When things are not going well, use this sentence to encourage yourself. Everything will not get better, and it is impossible to always be bad because things will turn around when the situation improves. Tomorrow will definitely be better.

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