Music therapy | Another great way to relax and unwind

Music therapy | Another great way to relax and unwind

✨ In this era of information explosion, we are always troubled by various noisy sounds.

✨ But music is one of the many sounds that can make the body and mind feel comfortable, and using music to relieve stress and anxiety is also a popular way for many people today!

📌 Sound therapy can be divided into two categories: active participation and passive participation

[Active participation]

🌟 Method: Playing instruments, singing, or participating in choirs

🌟 Benefit: Expressing one’s emotions and emotions through music, thereby reducing anxiety and stress

Passive participation

🌟 Method: Listen to played music, natural vocal music, meditation music, or bowl music

🌟 Benefit: Relax the body and mind by listening to music, generate emotional resonance, and gain strength

📌 For those who are new to music therapy, choose music that suits their personal needs, find a quiet and comfortable place, enjoy the power of music, and relax.

📌 As interest in sound therapy increases, one can actively try to learn instruments and music performance.

✅ Suitable music recommendations:

🔸 When experiencing insomnia: 2-3 hours before bedtime, play some white noise, such as Hard Rain or Rain Study

🔸 When tired: listen to some modern music with ups and downs, such as undefined winds and summer glory

🔸 Pregnant women: listen to more lyrical light music, not strong rhythmic music, such as peaceful and peaceful rest

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