Learn to practice like ancient people, cultivate oneself, cultivate the mind, and accumulate merits!

Learn to practice like ancient people, cultivate oneself, cultivate the mind, and accumulate merits!

In Taoism, to put it simply, practice emphasizes the unity of knowledge and action. In this regard, it is essential for us to practice both physically and mentally. We should cultivate ourselves and our minds like the ancients.

The first practice of the body is meditation, which does not need to be too complicated. We must start with simplicity. We can practice slowly from scattered and single sets, until we reach double sets. At the beginning of the practice, we can reach five or ten points, and for the first two years, we can persist in meditation for about 20 minutes every day. When practicing, we can breathe naturally, be as calm as possible, and hold your thoughts in the center of your eyebrows or at the Dantian.

Let’s talk about the so-called cultivation of the mind again. The fundamental aspect is not meaningless emptying or letting go, but correcting shortcomings and learning how to be a good person. Greed, anger, ignorance, slowness, and doubt make us aware of the five poisons of life. To perceive and correct them is to correct our shortcomings and cultivate our minds.

Another very important point to remind everyone to pay attention to is not only cultivating oneself and the mind, but also to accumulate merits in daily life. The true accumulation of merit is to always have a good heart, good words, and good deeds, everything is good, and naturally accumulate merit.

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