Learn to hide in 2024

Learn to hide in 2024

1、 Hidden is a state of life,

The true hidden is the inner hidden,

It’s the “hidden” feeling of being alone with oneself,

Not lying flat and lying in a rotten hiding place;

Hide yourself, don’t put on airs every day (non derogatory)

After truly enjoying the feeling of being alone,

You will find that it can be very easy,

Your relationship will go smoothly, everything will not be so tiring.

Because too many women need to be strong,

It’s so strong that it’s impossible to see it,

She is also very tired. She has experienced ups and downs and also suffered a lot,

This is because life has lost a balance,

Too obvious, without understanding “hidden”.

2、 Hidden is a kind of wisdom, and women must learn to hide,

Don’t be too ostentatious or overly demanding of presence,

It is difficult for a woman who cannot hide to become a “little” woman,

It’s difficult to get along with your partner and let them nourish you.

Hidden is the spirit that nourishes oneself, deeply linked to the inner world,

Not afraid of being doubted and denied by others,

Just quietly~

Naturally~gentle as water~beautiful~

You’re great, you don’t have to constantly prove yourself,

When you can no longer prove yourself, you can hide,

You dare to hide, you are more confident, joyful, and happy.

3、 Being alone is doing homework with oneself,

Being able to enjoy the tranquility and freedom of solitude, and being physically and mentally healthy:

▫️ During leisure time, bask in warmth and drink tea.

▫️ Focus on busy times, make plans and step on milestones, and implement them to achieve results.

▫️ Frequently sitting quietly, writing, and immersive reading.

▫️ Take a walk in nature without your phone.

▫️ Gently tending to flowers and plants, patiently taking care of cats and dogs.

▫️ Make the clothes soft and fragrant, with both beauty and texture.

▫️ Tidy up the home in an orderly manner, warm living room with blooming flowers,

The kitchen is often filled with fireworks, the bedroom is soft, and the bathroom is clean.

Don’t slack off, don’t be distracted, calm/settle down

Don’t panic, don’t be alarmed, and be healed by small and beautiful things

Any behavior that can “enhance mental strength” and “experience the present”,

It can cultivate focus and accumulate experience points,

Gain: a sense of achievement that does not require praise from others at all.

Do what you want to do deep down, let your inner child grow up completely,

Harmony~Warmth~Perfection~Inclusion of all things~

Such women will emit a joyful and peaceful charm,

Will make wise/excellent/like-minded people always want to be with you,

Because you are so profound, low-key, and beautiful.

Appropriate concealment and timely performance in 2024,

The saying goes, “A ruler has its own shortcomings, and an inch has its own strengths.”,

Don’t give up on yourself for being short,

Don’t be complacent because of what you have grown,

A woman who works, lives, and behaves steadfastly:

Everyone will stand firm, prosper smoothly, catch good things and have good luck

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