How did I come into contact with the Book of Changes

How did I come into contact with the Book of Changes

My learning process is the same as everyone else’s,

1、 It is to learn each hexagram from recognized masters online.

2、 I bought a book for everyone.

In fact, in my personal opinion, some friends have asked me to find a master for systematic learning before, but I feel that it is completely unnecessary before I am truly interested, as it does contain many life lessons; Secondly, I want to clarify the principle, rather than being talked about in a daze by people in the martial arts world, using various professional language that seems to be very sophisticated. If we are clear about the principles ourselves, we will be greatly inspired when encountering real masters.

I, like everyone who is new to learning, know the hexagram Qian Kun Xun Dui, Gen Zhen Li Kan. But I don’t know why I have to read this hexagram, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. I have noticed that many Chinese scholars have not explained why this hexagram is used, mainly because they have not explained how to use it.

When I know how to calculate hexagrams, I will go to each hexagram to correspond to the corresponding hexagram and line words. The overall trend and pattern will probably emerge.

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