Continuously improving one’s awareness and mindfulness

Continuously improving one’s awareness and mindfulness

True cultivation is not about meditation, meditation, vegetarianism, chanting mantras, listening to music, etc., but about constantly improving one’s awareness and mindfulness, allowing oneself to experience and refine one’s mind within the realm of the Tao.

We all know that technique does not enter the Tao, which means not to always put effort into methods. No matter how many methods you have learned, if your ideas are not reversed and do not fall within the scope of the Tao, it is useless and will have the opposite effect.

Many people, under the guise of seeking wisdom, may seem to be doing homework, or in groups of three or five, or alone, seeking a peaceful place, but in reality, it is an escape. Since ancient times, all wise people have been experiencing things and refining their hearts in the world, and which one is not present in the world, refining their hearts to achieve things.

The so-called practice of refining one’s mind through events is to not always focus on the results during the process of doing things. The results are not the purpose of doing things, but the purpose of doing things is to cultivate one’s mind. As long as you do not be greedy or demanding, do your best, maintain emotional stability, protect good intentions, and maintain unity, the results of things will definitely not be worse, and your abilities will gradually improve.

We must abandon those who exaggerate, blindly follow the crowd, seem to be well-informed, and do nothing at all. They should not be heroes who talk on paper, nor should they be idealists who only talk about knowledge without practical verification. So, we must learn classics, present things in the world, refine our hearts in things, and become individuals who stand firm and practice the Way.

We know that everything is created by the heart, and your heart determines your world.

Your parents, your partner, your children, your friends and colleagues, and everyone around you are just “roles” that help you get things done, or “mirrors” that show you clearly. They are all here to help you and achieve your goals.

Learn to follow fate and accept impermanence. Their appearance only helps you see yourself more clearly and see your patterns clearly. You don’t have to change them because it’s impossible. Everyone has their own destiny, and the only thing you can change is yourself. When your heart changes, they change, and the world changes.

You need to understand that freedom is not outside of your heart, and troubles are not brought by others, but only within you. If you don’t hit the target, seek others instead, don’t seek the Dharma from outside your heart, don’t work from outside your heart. As long as you constantly raise awareness and work hard in your own heart, let yourself shine and shine, you can shine on others and the world.

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