Changes in the Book of Changes, Simple and Difficult

Changes in the Book of Changes, Simple and Difficult

Change: In the world of the Book of Changes, change and impermanence are eternal laws. Just like twins born at the same time, their life trajectories will also be different. Everything is constantly changing, every moment is a new beginning, and every step opens up different possibilities.

Not easy: Although all things are constantly changing, some essence in the universe is eternal and unchanging. Mountains are always noble mountains, and water is always flowing water. Just like the essence of life, it always runs through a continuous stream of truth. In the wisdom of the Book of Changes, we learn to distinguish between eternity and change, and understand the true face of the universe.

Simplicity: The Book of Changes teaches us that complexity contains simple truths. Although the world is diverse and complex, if one understands one link, they can gain insight into the entire universe. The wheels of history continue to move forward, and the profoundness and complexity of human nature have been demonstrated and interpreted in the long river of history.

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