A Study on the Preferences and Phenomena of Eastern Mysterious Literature

A Study on the Preferences and Phenomena of Eastern Mysterious Literature

Why are Western divination techniques, such as tarot/astrology, more widely accepted in China than ancient Eastern mystical academic numbers such as the Six Lines, Qimen Dunjia, and Meihua Yishu?

It has to be said that in terms of fun and packaging, these “good-looking” and “cool” Western categories are much stronger than our categories

Our category has significant advantages in terms of professionalism and accuracy.

However, from the perspective of user needs, some users only seek spiritual comfort in such services. Whether the prediction is truly accurate is not a very important factor in determining which method to use.

Therefore, if we want to promote traditional Chinese culture, such as the Book of Changes, should its fun be further enhanced. And ensuring that its cultural value is not reduced while enhancing its fun is a very important consideration.

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